Nicole Lee - Mechanical/Aerospace Engineer + Econ. + Business + Management @Caltech

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what you do now?

Caltech senior pursuing a double major in Mechanical Engineering and Business, Economics, and Management with a minor in Aerospace Engineering. At Caltech, works with the Fluid Mechanics and Thermosciences group at GALCIT, publishing research on physics-informed machine learning and experimental and computational aerodynamics, with applications acquired by Boeing. Developed a reservoir compaction poroelastic model for a carbon capture and sequestration site in Canada, demonstrating a commitment to solving global challenges. Currently conducting research on modeling fluid dynamics in fluid-filled elastic tubes for aortic heart valves. Experience as a propulsion engineer at Aerospace Corporation and venture capital at Space Capital.

What do you most enjoy about your current position?

I am currently Interning at Space Capital and I love the different skillset I am training compared to engineering

Did you have a favorite mentor and how did they inspire you?

So many! Carissa Bryce Christensen has accomplished so much and is so gracious, powerful, and humble. She inspires me by paving the road for young women who never thought it possible to start their own company or become a CEO.

What is one piece of advice you wish you had received when you were just starting out?

I think for me it is that you don't have to feel like the smartest or most qualified person in the room to get a seat, you don't even have to feel like you belong in the room. If you feel like that then first you are in the wrong room, second as a woman in stem, it's going to be impossible to feel that way. It's all about grit and perseverance and not giving up, especially on yourself. Take risks and stand tall in the room because no one can take away your hard work and grit (and that is something easier to believe in about yourself!)