Laura Pashley
Laura Pashley wears many hats—she’s a writer, an artist, and an advocate for empowering young minds. As a mother of three, she’s no stranger to life’s challenges, having moved across the country 12 times. These experiences opened her eyes to the struggles of fitting in and finding one’s place.
Inspired by her work mentoring young students through FIRST Robotics—an exciting program that promotes STEM education by building and competing with robots—Laura noticed girls in her community lacked the opportunity and confidence to learn basic tools. She decided to change that narrative in her recently published book, Dodging Cupcakes.
Dodging Cupcakes is more than just pages—it celebrates creativity, curiosity, and courage. Laura wants girls of all ages to know that they can achieve anything they set their minds to—whether it’s building a robot, fixing a bike, or inventing a carnival game. In Dodging Cupcakes, Laura encourages young girls to embrace their potential and explore the world with confidence and determination.
Laura is also an accomplished artist with many years of experience. She has studied art extensively locally and abroad, honing her skills in various mediums such as painting and sculpture. Laura finds immense joy in exploring the world around her through color, line, texture, and shape. Her artistic journey has allowed her to express her creativity and passion for the arts.
The benefits of STEM have played a significant role in her children’s lives - 2 daughters are engineers, and her son is in medicine. STEM education offers numerous benefits that can have a profound impact on individuals’ lives. By fostering ingenuity and creativity, STEM education encourages innovative thinking and the development of new ideas and inventions. It also builds resilience and confidence by teaching students to embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Additionally, STEM education emphasizes collaboration and teamwork, allowing students to work together to find solutions to complex problems.
To view Laura Pashley's art, please visit her website

Celebrating Women in STEM
Jordan Dabney ~ Space Systems Engineer
Michaela Luebbers ~ Material Science PhD Candidate @Penn State
Kathryn Rohlfing ~ Software Engineer
Alejandra Chaparro - Industrial Engineer/Aerospace Industry
Mikaela De Gracia - Mechanical/Aerospace Engineer, PhD Student @Purdue
Maaike Priest - Technical Solutions Engineer
Eliza Sullivan - FPGA Design Engineer
Andy de Fonseca - Flight Test Engineer
Nicole Lee - Mechanical/Aerospace Engineer + Econ. + Business + Management @Caltech
Kryn Ambs - Payload Mission Manager
Claire O'Malley - Research Ass./Grad Student at PU
Jordan Fuse - Aero. and Astro. Structures Engineer
Julie - Environmental Management
Zoe Brand - Mechanical/Aero. Engineer
Audrey Brand - Optical Engineer